
How do I know my dog has arthritis?

by Alex De Cort on Apr 11, 2021

artritis en perros, old and anxious dog with difficulties getting up laying down with pain in his eyes

Arthritis in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatments

Arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis, is a common condition in dogs, especially as they age. It’s important to recognize the symptoms of arthritis in dogs so that you can intervene promptly and help your four-legged friend lead a more comfortable life. Below, we discuss the main symptoms of arthritis in dogs and the role of massage in alleviating pain.

Main Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs:

  1. Reluctance to Move: If you notice your dog prefers not to get up, it may be due to the pain associated with movement. Dogs with arthritis are less likely to want to play or run and may have difficulty with stairs. Relieving this pain can help your dog become more active and happier.

  2. Limping: Pay attention if your dog walks differently. Limping can be a sign of arthritis, where the dog moves with less ease than before.

  3. Stiffness: Dogs with arthritis often feel stiff, especially after lying down for a period. You may notice they have trouble getting up or that their joints feel rigid.

  4. Crying Out Loud: Dogs often express their pain by whining or whimpering, especially when touched. This can indicate that certain areas of their body are hypersensitive due to arthritis.

  5. Lack of Enthusiasm: Dogs in pain often prefer to be left alone. They may be reluctant to play or show less enthusiasm when you call them.

  6. Licking Painful Spots: Dogs often try to self-soothe by licking the areas that hurt.

  7. Exhaustion: Chronic pain is exhausting. Dogs with arthritis may be tired throughout the day and have less energy to play or walk.

What Can You Do for Arthritis in Dogs?

Unfortunately, arthritis cannot be cured, but there are several ways to help your dog. An important aspect is monitoring their diet; being overweight can exacerbate the symptoms of arthritis. Ensure that your dog maintains a healthy weight to reduce pressure on their joints.

Additionally, massage for dogs with arthritis can be an effective way to relieve pain and improve flexibility. By giving regular massages, you can promote blood circulation and reduce muscle tension, which can help your dog feel more comfortable and become more active again.

For extra relief of painful spots, you can also use our balm for pet noses and paws. This balm is specially formulated to care for your dog's skin and can contribute to your pet's overall well-being.

Finally, orthopedic dog beds and elevated feeding bowls can enhance your dog’s comfort. Making their life easier, such as lifting your dog into the car or carrying them up the stairs, can help alleviate their pain and improve their quality of life.

By recognizing the symptoms of arthritis in dogs early and taking the right steps, you can ensure that your dog leads a happier and healthier life, even with this condition.
